Monday, November 10, 2008


Business Standard

Software exports from IT units located in the IT SEZs in Karnataka have picked up very fast, as more and more firms have expanded their operations in the SEZ unit in the state owing to the uncertainties over the continuation of the STPI scheme.

In the six months period between April to October during the present fiscal (2008-09), IT exports from firms in the SEZ units stood at Rs 3,000 crore when compared with the exports of Rs 1,300 crore reported during the same period of the previous fiscal. This has happened despite having just one addition to the number of IT SEZ units in the state this year, which presently stands at 14.

“My guess is in the next two years, exports from the SEZ units will pick up, and the infrastructure is in place for this,” said R Rajalakshmi, development commissioner, SEZ (IT/ITeS) for Karnataka who is also the director for STPI. Karnataka.

She however said that some companies are in two minds whether to move to SEZs or to continue with their old STPI units where they have put huge infrastructure in place.

In the fiscal 2007-08, IT exports from the state stood at Rs 60,800 crore which was primarily driven by firms located in the STPI units. In the six months period this fiscal, 40 STPI units have been approved while 10 more are in the pipelines. In the same time, 9 new units have been approved under the SEZs.