Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The Hindu

A comprehensive policy to encourage the semiconductor industry in the State will be released in a few weeks.

It aims at creating a necessary ecosystem to kick start the growth of all elements of the semiconductor business, including manufacture, and will have provisions that will encourage global players to pitch their tents in the State for work in areas such as embedded systems and solar energy technology, Ashok Kumar Manoli, Principal Secretary, Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science and Technology, said here on Tuesday.

He was addressing the inaugural session of the “Embedded Systems Conference 2008”, a global showcase of the embedded industry.

The policy contains specific provisions to encourage the industry to spread out from the State’s capital to the second and third tier cities.

Karnataka was also putting together a policy for rural information technology, Manoli said.

Michael Duck, Hong Kong-based, senior vice-president for organizers CMP Asia, said that for the first time, the conference was being conducted in tandem with three satellite events in Pune, Noida and Hyderabad, reflecting the large footprint of the embedded systems developer community in India.