Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Chennai, Bangalore
Business Standard

With the global financial crisis affecting most business verticals, the Karnataka government, which has the largest share in the IT export pie in the country, is in a wait-and-watch mode to see its impact in the third quarter of this financial year. The government has announced an export figure of Rs 15,000 crore for the first two quarters of this year as compared with a total of Rs 13,000 crore during the same period the previous year, a growth of 15 percent.

“There hasn’t been any major impact on the IT sector in the state so far,” said R Rajalakshmi, director, Software Technology Parks of India, Karnataka. She added that a joint monitoring committee met nearly 100 major IT/ITES companies in the state following the financial turmoil where they said that the first two quarters were not affected by the crisis in a big way.

“We would be able to assess the impact of the situation only by December. We see that companies have begun taking urgent measures for cost-cutting and are looking inwards to redesign their business and optimise product delivery,” said Ashok Kumar C Manoli, principal secretary to the government, Department of IT, biotechnology and science and technology.