Wednesday, June 24, 2009


T.E. Raja Simhan, Chennai
The Hindu Business Line

Fake university certificate is big business in India. But now there is a solution that can help universities issue certificates with additional security in place. Micro-text marks — of 1/100th of an inch — which could be the candidate’s name or roll number can be printed on certificates. To the naked eye, they appear as a dot, but the content appears under a loupe or magnifying glass. This could help distinguish the original from a fake certificate.

Xerox’s FreeFlow software creates MicroText Mark characters that are used by various universities in the US and Europe. Xerox India will soon sign an agreement with a leading university to implement this security application. These are not very high-level security, but can still be useful to identify fake certificates. The software costs around Rs 15 lakh, said Pankaj Kalra, General Manager, Marketing, Production Systems Group, Xerox India Ltd.

Protecting sensitive documents from duplication is a growing concern. Counterfeits of documents such as coupons, tickets and invoices can have serious financial impacts. Xerox’s Speciality Imaging Technology solution helps put in place additional security in all the major sectors, including education, pharmaceutical, banking and finance. the market, he said.