Tuesday, May 19, 2009


May 18, 2009
The Financial Express

A stunning report released recently says that the Internet is running out of bandwidth. The Nemertes Research report predicts that consumer demand will start to exceed supply as early as 2010 because of more people working online and the soaring popularity of bandwidth-hungry websites such as YouTube. Earlier, the US telecom giant AT&T released identical findings, reporting that they alone are spending $20 billion to upgrade their backbone network. The analysts behind these predictions are not stating that the Internet is going crash. What they warn of is that computers will be disrupted and will be clipped from the Internet for several minutes at a time throughout the day. At a time when many businesses are moving their IT operations to a cloud computing model, Internet dependability will be critical.

Users to blame Kelly Adams http://www.kgadams.net Apparently we users are to blame, as we are using too much bandwidth watching movies and so forth. I am all for companies making money. But basically what the Internet service providers (ISPs) are trying to do is be given carte blanche to lie and cheat their customers. They want to sell unlimited bandwidth connections, then be able to charge you for actually using that bandwidth. They want to charge you and the services you connect to like Google once for the bandwidth available, and then charge you again when you actually use that bandwidth.