Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Deccan Chronicle The Asian Age

Long after other media joined the digital revolution, book publishers clung to the reassuringly low-tech tools of printing press, paper and ink. But now the world of books is starting to go digital, too. Last week, American authors and publishers reached an agreement with Google to settle lawsuits over Google’s Book Search programme, which scans millions of books and makes their contents available on the Internet. The deal lets Google sell electronic versions of copyrighted works that have gone out of print.

"Almost overnight, not only has the largest publishing deal been struck, but the largest bookshop in the world has been built, even if it is not quite open for business yet," wrote Neill Denny, editor of The Bookseller, a trade publication based in London, on his blog.

The settlement remains subject to court approval, and the bookshop would operate only in the United States for now. But the agreement is only one of many initiatives under which books are making what may be the biggest technological leap since Gutenberg invented moveable type.