Thursday, April 02, 2009


K.R. Srivats, New Delhi
The Hindu Business Line

General insurance companies can now improve their pricing and monitoring of natural catastrophe risk across various lines of business at pin code resolution for the entire country.

RMSI, a player in the geospatial information and software services industry, has launched a new web-based exposure and risk tracking application for the insurance industry. This tool has been named PIER — Profiler for Insurance Exposure and Risk.

With PIER, an insurance company can have comprehensive risk profile report for entire pin codes of India, Anup Jindal, Vice-President (Strategy & Business Development), RMSI, said.

PIER uses a set of parameters to analyse the risks and exposure associated with a particular geographic solution. This helps a risk inspector to do a complete assessment of an individual policy sitting at his desk, making him better informed to make underwriting and pricing decisions.

For example, with PIER, an insurance agent selling a policy in Gujarat would be better informed about the extent of risk and exposure that a particular pin code-level geographic location within Gujarat faces from natural catastrophes such as floods, earthquakes and cyclones.

This in turn would help enable insurers and re-insurers make informed decisions on underwriting policies, premium pricing and prevent over accumulations in risk sensitive areas.